ISR4k: IOS-XE Embedded Packet Capture
A few years ago I posted an about the embedded packet capture tool (EPC) in Cisco devices running IOS. This quick article is an update of the previous one with the IOS-XE flavor.
I run this test on an ISR4351 with IOS XE 3.16.01a.S, IOSD 15.5(3)S1a.
First, you need to define the interface where the capture will occur and the traffic to be captured
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP interface tun 10 both
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP match ?
any all packets
ipv4 IPv4 packets only
ipv6 IPv6 packets only
mac MAC filter configuration
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP match ipv4 protocol tcp host any
Then start the capture:
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP start
You can prior to that, alter the buffer size for the capture. It can be done with the “monitor capture CAP buffer size XXXX” command where the XXX is in megabytes.
Once done, capture need to be stopped before export
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP stop
Then the buffered data can be exported to local or remote location as a PCAP file.
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP export ?
bootflash: Location of the file
flash: Location of the file
ftp: Location of the file
harddisk: Location of the file
http: Location of the file
https: Location of the file
pram: Location of the file
rcp: Location of the file
scp: Location of the file
tftp: Location of the file
ISR4351#monitor capture CAP export flash:CAP1.pcap
Exported Successfully
Then delete the capture point:
ISR4351#no monitor capture CAP
Hope it helps,
Link to Cisco documentation: